Vegan Homemade Fruit Leather Recipe!

I remember the good ol’ days of cracking open my lunch box and finding a fruit leather (aka a fruit roll-up) that my mom had packed for me. As a kid, these were such a fun treat to indulge in, but little did I know (at the time!) how bad they actually were for you!
Now that I’m a dad to two amazing kiddos, I still want them to enjoy the little treats I got to enjoy as a kid, but without the nasty chemicals and not to mention the sugar high that goes along with it. Something that I’ve been really enjoying lately is heading to the kitchen with Leo or Annie and getting creative with the recipes that we can whip up. I love the challenge of taking their favourite treats and making them into a healthier but equally delicious version.

With that, Leo and I are back today to share (if the title didn’t give it away) a healthy fruit leather recipe. The main ingredient in these bad boys is FRUIT, and if you are looking to sneak in a few other healthy ingredients in them, your kids will never know. Add some chia seeds rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, or hemp hearts, high in omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, and whatever else your heart desires.
For this recipe, all you’ll need is a blender, some fruit, and a few other ingredients, super easy if you ask Leo and I. We’ll let’s get right into it!

Well, that’s it, for now, folks. If you tested out this recipe with your little one or yourself (no one is judging!), let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below. And if you are looking for another fun and healthy recipe to enjoy, make sure to check out Leo’s Vegan Banana Coconut Popsicle Recipe!